On 22 July 2010, feast-day of St Mary Magdalene, a small group of parishoners from the Village and Housing Estate, members of the SACC and SABMC committee and well-wishers gathered to witness the soft launch at the St Ann new Church site. The ceremony began with a paraliturgy, with a Franciscan flavour, prepared and assisted by the three friars in formation from Singapore namely Clarence, Esmond and Don Don. After the prayers, the land including the machinery, loaned by our parishoner Mr Sylvester Wit, was blessed so that everything will go on smoothly.
This historical moment was an important milestone in St Ann's history after the parishoners had waited for nearly four years. The parish of St Ann received news regarding the approval from the State Planning Authority (SPA) on 16 June 2010. This was made possible by the efforts of another parishoner, Francis Jiee, who was persistent to pursue the matter with the SPA.
At the end of it all, we are able to see the fruits of the long wait and many of the parishoners who witnessed the ceremony know that there is more work to be done. However, we have achieved a small step for a start and hope for more good things to come, in accordance with God's will.
The next step is to begin with the landfill by RJ Reality and we hope to see this happen at the new site within the next couple of weeks
congratulation keep it up.
Thanks - only possible because of some committed persons willing to go all the way.
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