Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Pressing Need

In this tiny corner of the universal Church, many needs have made themselves felt. Chief among them is the cry of the faithful for a more comfortable setting to gather and worship.
Most of us may take Sunday masses for granted, as Sunday worship may not demand more from us than a prayerful attendance and participation in the Liturgy.
At St Ann’s however, wiping and arranging hundreds of plastic chairs, lugging and setting up heavy equipment, as well as sweating it out in searching for a place to park in a small vicinity is a weekly event. Catechism classes are held with groups not more than 6 metres from each other within the same ‘baruk’, as classrooms are non-existent. Even the Children’s Liturgy room is a modified walkway.
The friars have realised that in the process of building the faith of the people, they also need to provide physical places.

1 comment:

Gereja Katolik St Ann said...

Thanks oldtownboys, please remember us in your prayers.